Art graphics Vector © Dimagroshev
Art graphics ‘Vector’ © Dimagroshev

European Union

an Issue of If and When

An End of ‘The European Union’ would be the Rise of ‘The Eurasian Union’ to a Russian-Rules-Reign for a Present (President Vladimir Putin) and Other (ᛋ) Long While.
The demotivational-influences to evolve our world with ‘The European Union’ as power-factor that can actively evolve our global political and financial world towards more logical-fair laws and social-equitable living derive from forces, who will-absorb isolated and scattered ex-member-states of the EU, if and when these would-cancel their membership – our European Union is an issue of
‘if and when’:
The European Union is Dead (?), Long Live the Eurasian Union!
jona(h) li, 25. June 2016

jona(h) li, – on 30. April 2021

Art graphics Vector © Dimagroshev
Art graphics ‘Vector’ © Dimagroshev
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